Sunday, March 30, 2014
I just got back to NYC yesterday morning and am still exhausted. But spring break in California was the best. I had an awesome week. 

we took way too many pictures for our own good. I wish i had brought my camera so to make a video but packing 20 minutes before i had to the leave for the airport sure didn't help.

^^ thirty over lab retriever puppies about to go to guide dog school, cutest thing ever^
^^ this city is too beautiful^
^^ so happy to have sunshine on my skin^
^^ costco run first thing, which equals to eating pizza and hotdogs #unhealthy #timetohitthegymnow ^^
^^^ hiked near san jose while the weather was good and boy did i miss the sun, wearing shorts and a shirt^^
^ and the beach. oh California^ 

I have decided to move that i would move to california for at least a year after graduation. Just like every new yorker has decided.

more to come :)


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